Hi Mozzie, welcome!
I guess I will put my 2 cents in also... I was raised in this religion, never thought it was a cult, because there weren't "four walls keeping me in" and then, after 50+ years I saw them for who they were.
Our family has seen the things WT does in court cases, the way they change the words to keep the upper hand, and how numbers have always been a part of the game.... numerologists is what they have been... changing the numbers to keep you playing their game, right?
607 BCE was it for us. When the 2011 WT articles were written about 607, and we looked up all references (finally they actually had page numbers, titles, authors, etc) and read that tiny little caveat footnote (November 1, 2011 page 24 in tiny print) that said,
"Business tablets exist for all the years traditionally attributed to the Neo-Babylonian kings. When the years that these kings ruled are totaled, and a calculation is made back from the last Neo-Babylonian king, Naabonidus, the date reached for the destruction of Jerusalem is 587 BCE"
that was it for us!
These business tablets always start with "In the eight month of King So and so, when the moon is here, venus is there..."
These two articles, October 1, 2011 and November 1, 2011 spend a lot of time asking questions, raising doubts, conjecturing, but when it all boils down to it, there IS evidence out of their own mouths that 607 is not the date. If 607is wrong, 1914 is wrong, and in turn 1919 "when the slave was appointed" is wrong.
The WT is very good at magician like tactics: wave your hands, twirl the scarves, play the music (make charts, graphs, show pictures, underline words)..... "maybe they won't see what we are doing."
Why do you think they make these WT articles so long and mind numbing? Why does your head hurt if you try to understand?
They are word magicians, "now you see it, now you don't!"
Do not fall for their tactics, see behind the mirror, be free!
cha ching!